
fredag 27. april 2012

SOUS April 27th - Fint å ha en VENN

It is yet another friday and time for a new sketch challenge at Stuck On U Sketches!!

I have used quite a lot of scraps to make this layout of Konstanse and her friend. The sketch is really perfect for that. This means that I have really no idea which papers I have used. Only thing I know is that the owl is cut from a paper stack I have had for ages from Panduro.

I really don't have much to say today, so I think I will just leave it with this. Hope you all will have a great weekend

tirsdag 17. april 2012

Prima "Sun Kiss collection" - DT TreL

Jammen kommer det ikke et innlegg fra meg i dag og. Jeg har fått prøve ut Prima sine papirer "Sun kiss collection". De er utrolig herlige og i lekre sommerlige farger!

Har laga en LO av min datter med sykkel, og arket Shady nook passet perfekt til dette! Jeg har også brukt baksiden av Nectar fields og to av tagene fra Kindred Spirit. Sommerfuglen er også klipt ut av arket Nectar fields. Alle blomster på LOen er også fra Prima, mens klistermerkebokstavene er fra Papirdesign.

Er ikke desse arkene utrolig sommerlige?

Sykkelen er en woodshape fra pink paislee. Jeg malte den først med hvit gesso og svampet den etterpå med distress ink (mustard seed)

Klistermerebokstavene fra Papirdesign var opprinnelig hvite. Kjøpte dem med et håp om at de tok til seg farge fra distress ink, og ble hoppende glad da de gjorde det!!

Håper det blir sommer i virkeligheten også snart, men med slike lekre ark er det iallfall lett å drømme seg til varmere dager!!

Klemmer - Stine :)

mandag 16. april 2012

Minialbum med arkene Herman og Emilie - DT TreL

Fikk gjort ferdig minialbumet mitt før påske, men påskeferien gikk så fort at jeg ikke rakk å legge det ut på bloggen, men her kommer minialbumet mitt som passer i boksen fra mitt tidligere innlegg.

Det er igjen guttearkene fra seiren Herman og Emilie som er i sentrum. Har også brukt papirroser fra Papirdesign, klistermerkebokstaver fra Papirdesign og stempler fra Kort og Godt.

Fremsiden. Har brukt arket Ti små tær (begge sider). Tagen er skjært ut med en dies fra Nellie Snellen.
Rosene og perlene er også fra Papirdesign.

Her er baksidene av arkene Ti små tær og Bamsefar.
Det er igjen baksiden på Ti små tær so er brukt. Klistermerkebokstavene er fra Pairdesign, og det er også rosene. De små bamsene i hjørnene er klipt ut av arket Bamsefar.

Arkene er Liten sjåfør og baksiden av Lillebror. Stempelet er fra Kort og Godt.

Baksiden fra Liten sjåfør og igjen klistermerkebokstaver fra Papirdesign. Hjertene er fra Prima.
Håper det falt i smak og at du har fått litt inspirasjon :) Ta gjerne turen inn om

Klem - Stine

fredag 13. april 2012

SOUS april 13th

It is friday and time for a new sketch reveal at Stuck On U Sketches! This week we have an amazing guest designer -Debbie Burns, and she has also designed the sketch for this week. 

I am late with this post, and I don't have much time because I need to get out in the garden to enjoy the nice weather, but here you an see my take on the sketch:

I have used a patterned paper from pion design, and that is almost it. This was super easy to make. I just cut out the frame in the patterned paper and placed another 6x6 patterned paper behind it. Then I embellished it with just some paper roses from Prima and Papirdesign. The paper was so beautiful itself, so I did not want to overdress it.

Have a nice weekend :-)

søndag 8. april 2012

Winner of my blog hop blog candy!!

It took some time for me to post this. So much happened in the last week before Easter, but now I am ready to reveal the winner of my crocheted flowers:


My winner is comment number 21

Maureen Reiss

I have sent you an email. Please answer me with your address to claim your prize!!

fredag 30. mars 2012

"Get to Know Me" Blog Hop by Stuck On U Sketches :)

Hi - and welcome to the norwegian stop of the blog hop!! 
You should have arrived here from Shona Keehn, if not - go back 
to the start of the hop at Stuck On U Sketches

I hope you have enjoyed what my team members has created 
and written about themselves. 
It has been a strange experience to focus on me. Because I am behind the camera most of the time I struggled to find a picture (as I had already made a layout with my wedding pictures a few weeks ago...), When I found it though, it was perfect. My layout is about another crafty side of me. Besides paper I love yarn, and I knit as often as possible. When I read a book, when I watch TV and when I travel. The picture is an example of the last. Picture is taken last summer on our trip home from summer vacation, and when I need to sit still for some reason - I knit (we fly ourselves if you were wondering about the headphones and microphone LOL I do not have a good explanation for the 
Lighning McQueen pillow thing around my neck though...). 
I had never guessed that a layout about me would be blue, but here you go...

My text is of course in norwegian, but my title can
be translated to " Traveling with yarn and needles".
I have used papers from Papirdesign and Fabscraps. In the next picture you can see my journaling spot better. This is a die cut from Nellie Snellen. I just love this shape!!

You can also see the crocheted flowers I made for this layout -perfect for a layout about my relationship with yarn, and you can see them even better here. I have embellished them with some vintage buttons that I have from my late grandfather's old store.

The gorgeous paper roses are btw also from Papirdesign.

Then on to answering those questions:

1. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Why?
It will have to be some kind of orange color because of my hair :)

2. What would people be surprised to learn about you?I have a masters degree in Musicology with soviet music as my speciality, and I have studied russian language (never learned it properly but will get back to that again when the kids are older).

3. What 5 things are always on your crafting table?Distress inks, my distressing tool, my cricut, pearls/rhinestones and different kinds of glue.

4. Your go-to embellishment is ...
Pearls and lace!! (could not pick one - sorry)

5. What is your all-time favorite crafting tool?My distressing tool from Prima - made by Ingvild Bolme.

6. Tell us about your family .. first in one word. Then in a sentence or two.
My one word is whimsical. My family is full of love and always fun to spend time with.

7. What is your dream vacation?
Disney land and Harry Potter world!!

8. Who is your favorite crafty company?I love Prima!! But I also need to put a word in for the scandinavian producers, the norwegian  Papirdesign and the swedish Maja design. Gorgeous papers and also embellishments

9. Tell us a bit about your crafty style.
I like soft colors and distressed edges. My style is a bit too symmetrical I think, but I am working on that LOL.  

10. Where do you live? (You can be vague is you wish.)
I live in Northern Norway.

Hope you enjoyed your stay here with me. Before I send you on I have a little blog candy for you. Leave a comment and become a follower to be able to win a bunch of my home made crocheted flowers. This picture shows a little selection, but I am leaving for a easter/spring vacation after this weekend and will of course bring yarn, so I am thinking there will be more :) 
My winner will be randomly drawn after this weekend!

I hope you have seen that there is also a yummy blog candy at Stuck On U Sketches.
You find the details on how you can win the SOUS blog candy on the SOUS-blog, but I will give you a sneak peek:

Thanks again for stopping by. Your next stop will be Theresa Kelly!!

tirsdag 27. mars 2012

Barbie og veninnene har fått nye klær

Eg har ein nettfavoritt eg tyr til for små strikkeprosjekter. Det tar kort tid å lage, og er en super måte å bli kvitt litt restegarn på.

Sida heiter:

Her er det samla over tusen oppskrifter på barbietøy (og andre beslekta dukker). Alle typer antrekk du kan tenke deg. Oppskriftene fins tilgjengelig på fleire språk og dei er enkle å følge, iallfall om ein har litt erfaring med garn og pinner. 
Tenkte eg skulle vise fram nokre antrekk eg har strikka i det siste. 
(det er dessverre ikkje alle eg hugsar nummer på, men skriv på dei eg har tilgjengelig så skal eg heller oppdatere etterkvart som eg finn dei andre og)

Oppskrift nr. 880 - god varm jakke.

Skjørtet er nr. 283 - kjolen er strikka i fleirfarga garn.

Kjolen har matchande poncho.

Kort kjole til påskebruk :)

Håpe du fikk lyst til å prøve :)

fredag 16. mars 2012

SOUS March 16th - Explorer at the beach - sketch by Sandi Clarkson

And friday means that it is time for another sketch challenge over at Stuck On U Sketches, this week with a gorgeous sketch by Sandi Clarkson.
I started my layout with the rediscovery of these two beautiful pictures of my daughter form the summer of 2010 - taken by my brother actually. I just love how concentrated she is studying the things she can find at the beach. That was always one of my favourite things to do as a kid too. 

I did a lot of experimenting on this one using Tsukineko Goosebumps, inspired by Linn Sjåfjell. Idea was to give the background paper some texture, which I later accentuated using distress ink (vintage photo), but I did not like how that turned out (too dark and dull), so I also added some bright green stains using a paint dabber from Ranger. in the end I was very happy. You cant see the texture in the photo I am afraid, so you will just have to believe me ;)

Thanks for stopping by - hope you liked my layout. Here is the gorgeous sketch Sandi made for us this week. Please come join the fun at Stuck On U Sketches :)

tirsdag 13. mars 2012

Hjertelig velkommen :) - DT TreL

Lene har lagt ut tre nydelige prosjekter på Trelbloggen(Bare se her: 12 og 3) gjort med enkle papphjerter som er laga for dekorering. Jeg har også et slikt prosjekt å vise fram. Utgangspunktet er det samme hjertet:

Jeg malte hjertet hvitt og dekket det med mønsterpapir, og slik ble det.
 Et koselig dørskilt til å henge i gangen eller på gjesterommet.

Jeg har brukt papirer fra Pion design (Minnenas Ateljé), blomster fr Prima og TreL, samt sommerfuglutstanser fra Martha Stewart og masse liquid pearls i fargen Petal Pink. 
Fonten er fra egen kuttemaskin. Har skjært ut teksten tre ganger og limt oppå hverandre for effekt av chipboard.

Var innom butikken i Storgata i dag, og den er full av "pappting" til dekorering (esker, bokstaver, skilt osv.) Enkelt og dekorativt :)

fredag 9. mars 2012

Herman og Emilie - DT TreL

Eg har fått testa ut guttearka fra Papirdesign sin Herman og Emilie serie. Dei er superskjønne

Det første eg har laga er ein gaveboks. Tanken min er at eg skal lage eit minialbum som passar oppi.

Har brukt arka Herman og baksida på Bamsefar, blå. For å lage eska har eg tatt utgangspunkt i ei lav eske skjært ut med min elektroniske kuttemaskin (cricut). Denne har laga botnen og lokket, så har eg bygd dem opp med å lage veggar som er omkring 3 inches høge. Har styrka eska ved å lage "beslag" rundt hjørna ved hjelp av ein punch frå Martha Stewart.

Den dekorative hjørnet på arket Herman dominerer lokket. Var ikkje så mykje meir pynt som skulle til. Hjertet er klipt ut av midten på ein kakeserviett, og blomster er alle kjøpt hos Hasr ellers pynta med ein swirl laga av liquid pearls.

Håper eg snart kan kome tilbake med det som blir innhaldet i eska. Sliter litt med printer for tida, men om eg ikkje får han til å virke i morgon har eg sett meg ut ein ny :)

God scrappehelg!!

fredag 2. mars 2012

SOUS March 2nd - Happy Bride

March is here already - I can't believe it!! For me March is the first month of spring, but after moving above the arctic circle that is not exactly true. But if you happen to have a feeling of spring or not, we have a gorgeous sketch by Sandi Clarkson for you this week that can really give you a feeling of spring if you can't get it from your surroundings!!

I feel like I have repeated myself a bit this week - same kind of picture and the same brand of papers as last weeks SOUS project... What can I say? I am obviously on a roll getting wedding pictures scrapped! Papers are still form the gorgeous "From my heart" collection from Pion design. I have turned the sketch around to suit my picture better, and I have embellished my layout with flowers from Prima and from I have also used a heart doily, and a rhinestone swirl from Prima. Last thing used are some rub-ons from Little Yellow bicycle.

Picture of me is taken by the photographer Egil Aabrekk, and the fabulous view behind me is the place where I grew up - Olden.

Have a wonderful first week of spring!
Hope you all take your time to visit the Stuck On U Sketches blog and stop by my teammates!
They have outdone themselves again :)

fredag 24. februar 2012

Sous February 24th - die cut challenge LOVE

I have a new layout to show you this week. With the theme of the week being LOVE, I found these pictures from our wedding and these beautiful new papers from Pion design - the "from my heart"collection. 
They had just the right colors matching the flowers from my wedding, but the best part was that one of the papers had the text of the song a friend of mine sang at the ceremony printed all over in the background. This is a song by the swedish a capella group "The real group". You can hear it in the video a the end of my post, but first to my layout :)

I have used three different patterned papers, but they are all from the same collection. "Love" is welded on my gypsy using the Gypsy font. I so love my Gypsy. It is so easy to use. 
Here you can see a close up of the flowers I have used. Most of them are from Prima, but the leaves are a Doo hickey from Magolia. The butterfly is a stamp from Pink Paislee that I colored with distress inks (Rusty hinge, barn door and Walnut stain).

These butterflies are from my Martha Stewart punch. 
I have also used some liquid pearls  around the page.

The beautiful frame is from the Cindy Loo cartridge. I have used pop dots to layer it on my text piece, which is computer generated and a quote from the same song as mentioned earlier. Translated it says: "I will always, always love you..."
A few more butterflies here, more roses and a swirl die cut, again from Magnolia.

That is it for today. Hope you will enjoy the song even if text is in swedish. 

mandag 20. februar 2012

Et par prosjekter fra den siste tida

Har hatt det travelt med å korpse den siste tida, så det har vært lite blogging, men det var definitivt verdt det, bare se her:

(meg fremst til venstre med gruppeprispokalen)

No er det derimot på tide å vise fram et par av dei tinga eg har laga i januar. Har også hatt et veldig stort prosjekt i tillegg til dette, men det kommer i eget innlegg.

Har laga en LO til papiralongen på Casa Kreativ for januar. Oppgava var en lift av en herlig og enkel Lo av Gosti.
Har brukt en av hattane fra Pooh and Friends carten som passa perfekt til dette bildet av konstanse som er klar for cowboy og indianer-fest i barnehagen. Har ellers klipt ut stjerner av bølgepapp for hand og brukt dymoen min til å lage tittel - enkelt og greit :)

Mannen var i Ålesund i bryllup til Espen og Monica den helga eg var på NM, og han måtte så klart få med seg et kort. Fikk brukt av dei nye arka til Pion design. Dei er superlekre, både dei som er i rosa og aprikos-toner og dei blå/brune. Har pynta med halvperler fra Papirdesign, papirroser fra TreL, swirl fra Magnolia og blonde fra TreL.

Ses snart igjen i nytt blogginnlegg. Må bare scrappe litt først :)

fredag 10. februar 2012

SOUS February 10th - Only for you

It is friday and time for a new die cut challenge at Stuck On U SKetches.
This week we want to see something with the theme
You got mail
This is a card I have made for Mothers day (in Norway that is this coming sunday) for my grandmother.
I have used the envelope with hear from the Doodlecharms cart.

Patterned papers are all from the newest collection from Pion design. They are just gorgeous! 
Hope to see you participate in the challenge :)

fredag 3. februar 2012

First SOUS-sketch of February - Musée du Louvre

It is time for a new sketch over at Stuck On U Sketches!!
Sketch i for a double layout, but I have just used one of the pages. I hardly ever do doubles, so this was the better option for me :)

I have again used pictures from our honeymoon 6 1/2 years ago in Paris.

Layout is quite simple. I used a patterned paper from Maja design for the background, a metal frame I have had for ages, letter stickers from Prima, flowers and roses from Prima, lace and two cameos I have had in my drawer for a while.

Here is a closeup of one of them. Isn't she beautiful. I think I need more of these :)

Here is the current sketch. Hope you can use it, either for a one- or a two-pager.
Make sure also that u visit the SOUS-blog!

Ha a nice weekend :)

fredag 27. januar 2012

SOUS die cut challenge -Snowman

Happy friday everyone. This will be a very short post. Just wanted to show you the card I have made for the die cut challenge at Stuck On U Sketches this week, where the challenge is  SNOWMAN.

I have used the snowman from the Gypsy wanderings cart. I shadowed him and gave him his accessories, including blue pearl buttons, and placed him on a patterned paper from Chatterbox. Love the clean, simple and fast card - my first Christmas card of 2012 (made in less than an hour - that is a new record for me...). Hope you take time to visit the SOUS-blog and the other girls.

søndag 22. januar 2012

TOMIC #33 - a sketch and fabric

Tenk et blogginnlegg på en annen dag enn fredag :)
Har laga et kort til denne vekas utfordring hos The Official Magnolia Inspiration Challenge der en skulle ta utgangspunkt i ei skisse og også ha stoff på kortet. Fikk testa en av mine nyanskaffelser. Den skjønne Tildaen her:

Har brukt mønsterark fra Papirdesign - Liljer, en merkrlapp fra ei bukse eg kjøpte en gang, blonde kjøpt hos TreL og diverse blomster og perler. 

Takk for at du titter innom :)

fredag 20. januar 2012

SOUS sketch challenge january 20th

It seems like all I manage to post on my blog these days are the weekly challenges at Stuck On U Sketches. I cannot believe how time flies, and that is friday again already! But friday is good, and this week Nannè has created another great sketch for us. Hope you will find time to stop by Stuck On U Sketches to join us for the last sketch of January. We still have a great prize for our participants in January and this week we are also so lucky to have Debbie Burns of Love life's little pleasures back with us as a guest designer. She makes amazing layouts. Please stop by her blog to see for yourself.

Here is my take on the sketch. I made a card again. I have no pictures ready these days. My printer and I are not friends, so I might need to order some prints, but have obviously not done that yet...
My card is for a friends new baby, who I finally will get to see in a few weeks time.

I made an easel card and got to use a lot of scraps for my patterned paper. This sketch is really great for that. I wanted circles instead of squares, so used my punch for that (1 3/4 circles it is). Patterned papers are from Inkido and Papirdesign. On the circles with the rose pattern I have used crackle accents. Love how that turned out. It did not photograph well, but you can get a closer look on the next picture.

The gorgeous leaves are a Magnolia Doo Hickey (die cut) that I just got. 
I just love them, and plan to use them a lot! 

Here is a closer picture of the front side of the card.

Hope to see you participate in our challenges.
Hugs Stine!